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Meet Devon Gambonini

Fire Inspector 
3 years with the City of Santa Rosa

Meet Devon Gambonini, one of the Santa Rosa Fire Department’s fire inspectors. As a fire inspector, Devon wears a lot of different hats. Devon conducts fire and life safety inspections of businesses, special events, and construction projects. Devon is also a CUPA (hazardous materials) inspector and conducts inspections of our businesses that store or manufacture hazardous materials within Santa Rosa. Additionally, Devon is a fire investigator and is part of a team that investigates the cause and origin of fires. Like a few of her colleagues at SRFD, Devon also grew up in a fire service family. Devon’s dad served as a volunteer fire captain in her hometown and was a career fire chief. Devon always knew she wanted to go into the fire service too and started out as a volunteer firefighter in 2000. Later, in 2006, Devon transitioned to fire prevention, working for Sonoma County Emergency Services as a fire inspector. Throughout the years, Devon has held a variety of different ranks including firefighter, engineer, acting officer, and hazardous materials technician serving on the county’s hazmat response team for 19 years. But what attracted Devon to join the ranks of the Santa Rosa Fire Department was the team. At the time, Devon knew most of the SRFD prevention members and she knew that she wanted to be a part of this incredible team. Santa Rosa is a larger city than Devon was used to, so there would be more opportunities to grow professionally. Devon knows she can depend on her team, and they can depend on her, to accomplish the incredible workload that comes sometimes with a city this size. It's hard for Devon to identify just one person who has helped her succeed in her career. She feels incredibly grateful to have had the support and encouragement from so many colleagues over the years. In fact, she encourages others interested in a career in the fire service, to build a support network that you can count on both professionally and personally to help you maintain a long and thriving public safety career. Devon’s favorite job, however, is being the mother of two girls. Devon hopes her girls will someday join the family business and enjoy successful careers in public safety. Devon wants her girls and, really, all women to realize that they can do anything they set their minds to. In Devon’s opinion, a career in public safety, while challenging some days, is so very rewarding. There are just three ingredients you need to get there: work hard to get to where you want to go, never stop learning, and earn respect - don’t demand it.

This website was designed by the City of Santa Rosa.

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